Current Lab Members

Justin Kitzes
Justin KitzesAssistant Professor
CV | Google Scholar
I am a quantitative ecologist and conservation biologist interested in how human activities affect species distributions at spatial scales, with a particular interest in the development and use of bioacoustic survey methods to answer this question.
Cameron Fiss
Cameron FissPostdoctoral Scholar
Cam is a postdoc working on analysis of our Pennsylvania forest bird data.
Tessa Rhinehart
Tessa RhinehartGraduate Student
Website | Twitter
Tessa is a graduate student (and former staff programmer) working on community analysis, bird call classification software, and statistical models.
R. Patrick Lyon
R. Patrick LyonGraduate Student
Pat is a graduate student working on monitoring and evaluating the effects of habitat restoration in Pennsylvania forests.
Sam Lapp
Sam LappGraduate Student
Sam is a graduate student working on our bird and frog call classification models, recorder hardware design, and open source software.
Louis Freeland-Haynes
Louis Freeland-HaynesGraduate Student
Louis is a graduate student working on our sound localization platform, bird call classification models, and open source software.
Lauren Chronister
Lauren ChronisterGraduate Student
Lauren is a graduate student (and former undergrad and Research Assistant) investigating within-species vocalizations and leading development of our bird song classifiers.
Chapin Czarnecki
Chapin CzarneckiResearch Assistant
Chapin is a staff researcher assisting with our fieldwork and bird song analysis.
Brooke Goodman
Brooke GoodmanResearch Assistant
Brooke is a staff researcher managing our audio data and assisting with research in Pennsylvania forests.
Hannah Nossan
Hannah NossanResearch Assistant
Hannah is a staff researcher assisting with our Pennsylvania field projects.
Santiago Ruiz Guzman
Santiago Ruiz GuzmanResearch Assistant
Santiago is a staff researcher assisting with our amphibian research and machine learning models.
Sasha Syunkova
Sasha SyunkovaResearch Assistant
Sasha is a staff researcher working on our bird and frog call classification models and assisting with field work.
Leonardo Viotti
Leonardo ViottiResearch Assistant
Leonardo is a staff researcher working on our bird call classification models and structural equation modeling.
Interested in our work? We often have openings for undergraduate students, graduate students, programmers, and postdocs to join the lab. Learn more about joining us, and get in touch!

Lab Alumni


  • Nickolus Stahlman, Research Assistant
  • Jatin Khilnani, Research Assistant
  • Trieste Devlin, Research Assistant

Undergraduate Students

  • Junshang Jia, University of Pittsburgh
  • Carolyn Tett, University of Pittsburgh
  • Elias Paolone, University of Pittsburgh
  • Sagar Vellalath, University of Pittsburgh
  • Tiger Wu, University of Minnesota
  • Talia Piretra, University of Pittsburgh
  • Anna Lippert, University of Pittsburgh
  • Madeline Hice, University of Pittsburgh
  • Sarah Heise, University of Pittsburgh
  • Jiade Song, University of Pittsburgh
  • Jack Challiet, University of Chicago
  • Tanvi Merengenti, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Lydia Zimmerman, University of Pittsburgh
  • Aaron Lauer, University of Pittsburgh
  • Madoc Smith, University of Pittsburgh
  • Kyle Walters, University of Pittsburgh